Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Doodle Buddy Bingo

Doodle Buddy was the first free app I put on our iPads. It is a drawing app with templates and stamps.  It is a coincidence that when I did my very first search for preschool iPad lesson plans, I came across the site, Apptivities, and a lesson plan using Doodle Buddy. This lesson plan provided a spring board for several other ideas that I will be sharing. I went to some of my favorite free printable sites and took screenshots of tracing worksheets and mazes. While at the DLTK's sites, I thought about all the laminating film I have used to create thematic bingo cards and realized that Doodle Buddy would be a great way to play bingo that would not require laminating film. These instructions are intended for a small group session of bingo using 4 iPads. 
Open Safari on the iPad and go to the DLTK site.  Follow the instructions for creating a thematic bingo card. The example was made using the spring vocabulary.  Take a screenshot of the finished product. To take a screenshot on the iPad, click the home button and power button at the same time.  The picture will be saved in the iPad's camera roll. Repeat this process on each iPad, using the same theme, so that you have a different board on each device. Print the calling sheet. 
Repeat the following steps on each device. Open the Doodle Buddy app. Select the tic tac toe icon. Select the photos icon. Select the bingo board. Display the board in portrait orientation and lock the screen orientation. 

Assist each student to choose a stamp to use for marking the board. Use the calling cards to conduct the game. Have fun. Use the trash can icon to clear the board for the next group. BINGO!

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